Jacob – Project Engineer Services
How did U-People help you in finding your next career step?
Very well, actually. I was recruited by Rozanne Hagendoorn. We had several conversations regarding the vision of my professional career prospects. She helped me very well by searching something suitable fitting my wishes and capabilities.
How did your life develop since you started working through U-People?
Rozanne helped me to step it up to the next level and brought me to a new environment that is currently helping me a lot in my personal development and career. My personal life is doing fine as well, but not thanks to U-people.
What did U-People do good in your opinion?
Mainly, personal interest. Of course both parties have commercial interests. But despite that, I had the feeling they really cared about the person they were helping and were really involved during the process. And even so afterwards.
What could U-People have done better in your opinion?
Currently, I think they’re doing a great job! I hope they will expand their business.
Would you recommend U-People to other engineers?
To keep on doing what they’re doing right now. Not just positioning someone and forget about that person in order to fill up vacancies. Worth mentioning is they try to keep contact afterwards, regarding your development and career steps. I think that is a really good USP.